Why Minecraft is better than fortnite.

Reasons why Minecraft is better than fortnite.


  1. Redstone


Fortnite might have wiring, but nothing like Redstone. Redstone is a wiring tool in Minecraft, and there are many types of Redstone blocks. For example, you have observers, pistons, sticky pistons, Redstone itself, repeaters, comparators, dispensers, and droppers.

Also, Redstone has more restrictions, increasing creativity. 


  1. The community


Minecraft’s community, as far as i know, is pretty accepting, if you aren’t that good you usually can get help, and people are pretty understanding. But in fortnite, you’ll probably be called a scrub, and then they emote. That isn’t fun if you are new.


  1. Melee combat.


Minecraft has better melee combat because it has swords, and better combat for combos. When you are in fortnite you only use guns (for the most part) and you can get sniped easily, when people snipe you easily, you can get frustrated because you get killed unexpectedly, and yes, Minecraft has bows, but they dont do that much damage.


  1. Building. 


Minecraft has better building because if you compare fortnite building to Minecraft building, Minecraft would come out on top. Minecraft has better building because you have blocks like stairs and slabs that give buildings depth. While fortnite has these flat walls, and walls with holes.


  1. (mini example) the price


Another example is the price. Minecraft costs, because the gameplay isn’t affected by in app purchases, but fortnite halts some gameplay if you dont have enough “v-bucks.” Minecraft has minecoins, but you buy skins and maps, not like buying an ender eye with minecoins.


  1. Conclusion


The reasons why I think Minecraft is better than fortnite is because of the Redstone, the community, melee combat, building, and the in app purchases. In the end, this is why Minecraft is better than fortnite. 

One thought on “Why Minecraft is better than fortnite.”

  1. the community is actually a great community except for toxic teen idiots who get reported. and no pay to win trust me log on a server and be convinced that minecraft online eats your money worse than fortnite. Melee combat is clicking buttons. and building is better on fortnite

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